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5,556 applications from 172 different universities were made to our Softtech Talent Generation Program

Applications and hiring of the “Talent Generation” program, which we have been maintaining since 2016, aimed at senior students and new graduates of engineering faculties has been completed. This year, 5 thousand 561 engineers applied to the program as a result of evaluations and eliminations 73 engineers and engineer candidates have the opportunity to join our Softtech family.

Young engineers evaluated with Learning Agility approach

Our general manager Murat Erdem who says that we are not a technology company, we are also human resources company, “All actions focus on human. The need for young and talented person sources are gradually increased in our country like all the world. For this reason, as Softtech, we invested that human resources talent management program based on the ‘Learning Agility’ approach. This approach, we adapted Talent Generation program in this year. We received application from Turkey’s all quarters. Candidates who applied via chatbot on Softtech website went through a series of tests that evaluated their coding skills, software knowledge, and their potential for strategic and solution-oriented thinking. The interview process was initiated with more than 300 people who successfully completed these stages. Young engineer candidates who were invited to the interview completed a 4-day interview process on learning agility and values.

Every year increased the number of applications

Ertem noted that there has been a significant increase in the number of applications since the Talent Generation program was launched in 2016, “In 2018, 3 thousand 300 people applied to the program that we started to develop technologies that create time together with young talents, to reveal the talents of our qualified engineers and engineer candidates and to pioneer technology, and this year we received applications from 5 thousand 561 people from 172 different universities. I fully believed that 73 talented engineers who joined our team added valued to Softtech.”

Ertem: We supported that intrapreneurship and innovation

Ertem stated that it is possible to develop entrepreneurship projects in the field of technology in addition to full-time work experience in the ‘Talent Generation’ program, “In Softtech, we care to intrapreneurship and innovation. We support that our employees for the development and applicability of innovative business ideas. Our talented engineers who participate in our innovation projects can benefit from personalized trainings, mentoring and academic support programs by Softtech Academy. The team who finished their project successful invited Softtech’s innovation centers in San Francisco and Shanghai. Our aim is that to put a signature pionner projects and to increase entrepreneurship within the company. The port automation system Gullseye, which was born as a product within Softtech and has the Best In-house Entrepreneurship Award, is one of the most important examples of this.”

Visit to universities in Anatolia

Ertem said that they visited universities to make strong university-industry cooperation and told about Talent Generation program, “Up to date as Softtech, we went to 17 universities in Anatolia and we gave seminar both Talent Generation and the sector to the students. Students in Istanbul and Ankara are easier to access to companies than students in Anatolia. As Softtech, we often meet with university students in Anatolia to ensure equal opportunities.