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IDC CIO Summit was held for the 10th time in Antalya with the initiative of the ‘Age of Innovation and Strategic Approach to Automation’. With Softtech’s attendance to the summit, both global as well as local trends of the IT sector were addressed and discussed in addition to the digital transformation.

A new era in HR with Learning Agility

During Mr. Murat Ertem’s (General Manager of Softtech) speech at the ‘Speeding up Your Digital Journey: Becoming a Digital Business” panel, he said “In addition to being a tech firm, Softtech is also well considered a Human Resources firm. Therefore, we aim to focus on people in all of our work. For this reason, we have invested in human resources process management based on the “Learning Agility” approach. We acquired this HR process management through a representation of a company abroad.

Professionals, especially working in technology companies, can’t seem to survive anymore with the schools they graduated from.

Due to the fact that information nowadays undergoes continuous renewal and expansion, we are endlessly looking for answers to questions such as ’Do you have strategic thinking?‘, ‘How do you adapt to the changes?’, ‘How do you work with people coming with such diverse backgrounds? ‘and ’Are you results-oriented?.

The important thing is that they are open to learning. Because information needs to renew itself and expand continuously.

Mr. Ertem added that Softtech’s aim is to create time for life and to enable people to utilize their maximum potential by saying: ”In line with these objectives, we give great importance to in-house entrepreneurship, and we think it is worthwhile to spread the start-up spirit and consequently to provide technology support to start-up companies.”

In his speech at the panel, Ertem mentioned that Softtech could follow technology closely thanks to its subsidiaries abroad namely Softtech in China and Maxitech in the USA. He further added: “It is of utmost importance to understand and follow very closely China and the USA in the scope of technology. We see specifically in the case of China that they have developed their technologies very rapidly. We are working through our technology subsidiaries in China and the USA to find start-ups that will collaborate with our customers. We are working relentlessly to find ways of providing more added value by proposing customized innovative solutions to our customers. Therefore, I find the innovation initiative very important.”

Mr. Ertem said that he believed that being people-oriented human resources brand, having leadership and investing in leaders, having Software as a service infrastructure and believing in the spirit of start-up by supporting corporate entrepreneurship is of extreme importance, he added: “Although we say that ‘we will be conducting all our businesses through artificial intelligence in the future’, we still foresee that it will be the people who will still be in charge for the next 25 years and possibly even longer. I do believe that innovation initiatives and agility studies are and will be crucial in the scope of this framework.”